MSA Statement
The International Labour Organisation estimates that 21 million men, women and children are victims of forced labour globally. Around 19 million of these people are exploited by private individuals or businesses of which it is estimated that around 13,000 reside in the UK. We recognise that in many cases, the individuals subjected to debt bondage, trafficking and other forms of modern slavery are amongst the most vulnerable in society.
The services provided by Gaia Newton Associates Ltd help thousands of individuals find fulfilment in their careers however we accept that we can be perceived as a potential route for which others could exploit to achieve their goal.
We have a zero-tolerance approach to Modern Slavery and this statement sets out the steps we have taken and will continue to take to eliminate the greatest human rights issue of our time.
Our Business
Gaia Newton Associates Ltd; part of the GNA group is a UK based national recruitment and consultant solutions Specialist operating in construction, build cleaning and office and admin sectors.
We currently have a supply chain that delivers personnel who work with us to deliver services to our clients on both a temporary and permanent basis.
Our Policies
Gaia Newton Associates Ltd respects and supports its ten principles with respect to human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The principles regarding labour are those outlined in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work: freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour, effective abolition of child labour, and elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
By respecting these principles we strive to make our company more transparent with the personnel we work with by creating an open environment in which they feel valued and safe. We continue this transparency with our clients.
Assessment of risk and audit of suppliers
We appreciate that not one part of our business is immune from the risk of Modern Slavery and we take a proactive approach to informing all aspects of our supply chain about the risks of Modern Slavery taking place. We focus our attention on the parts of the business operating in:
- Construction
- Office and Admin
- Build Cleans
By recognising there are risks it allows Gaia Newton Associates Ltd to effectively monitor and combat any risk of Modern Slavery. This is achieved by maintaining an open and transparent dialogue with all aspects of our supply chain.
The ongoing risk which Modern Slavery presents will be continually reviewed as part of our established risk management processes.
With all new employees we make them aware of any information relating to Modern Slavery as part of a welcome pack, whilst we do not provide training on the subject we do provide information we feel is beneficial in raising awareness.
Assessment of effectiveness
Although Gaia Newton Associates Ltd does not provide training to its employees, it does try to monitor any risk of Modern Slavery by encouraging open dialog from all levels of the supply chain.
Gaia Newton Associates Ltd want to work with partners of a like mind and will look to improve its Modern Slavery policy over the coming year with a view to providing training for its employees.
This statement has been approved by the CEO of Gaia Newton Associates Limited and all companies within the GNA Group.